In this part of the web site we have tried to anticipate what information your are likely to want to know about us and Karate generally.
Click on one of the "tokens" below or on one of the sub menus in the INFO link above to go to the relevant page.
Click on one of the "tokens" below or on one of the sub menus in the INFO link above to go to the relevant page.
Times and venues of our classes
Who you can trust to teach you and your family
The behaviour that is expected in a karate club
Frequently Asked Questions
Be warned, though. There is a lot more to Karate than is immediately obvious. Once you get into it you could find a whole new area of learning that will keep you engrossed for decades to come.

There are many people in their fifties, sixties, seventies and older who still actively train in the martial arts.
And after a lifetime of learning and practice they are still learning new stuff!
Can you say the same for football or cricket?